Source code for peony.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import sys
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Iterable, Mapping

import aiohttp

import peony

from . import exceptions

mime = mimetypes.MimeTypes()

    import magic

    magic_mime = magic.Magic(mime=True)
    magic_module = True
except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
    magic_module = False

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Handle: __slots__ = "exceptions", "handler" def __init__(self, handler, *exceptions): self.exceptions = exceptions self.handler = handler
[docs]class MetaErrorHandler(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs): """put the :class:`~peony.utils.Handle`s in the right place""" handlers = {} for base in bases: if hasattr(base, "_handlers"): for key, value in base._handlers.items(): handlers[key] = value for attr in attrs.values(): if isinstance(attr, Handle): for exception in attr.exceptions: handlers[exception] = attr.handler attrs["_handlers"] = handlers return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
[docs]class ErrorHandler(metaclass=MetaErrorHandler): """ Basic error handler This error handler just raises all the exceptions that it receives. """ RETRY = CONTINUE = OK = True RAISE = STOP = False def __init__(self, request): self.__request = request
[docs] @staticmethod def handle(*exceptions): def handler_decorator(handler): return Handle(handler, *exceptions) return handler_decorator
async def _handle(self, exception_class, **kwargs): if exception_class in self._handlers: handler = self._handlers[exception_class] args = get_args(handler, skip=1) handler_kwargs = {key: kwargs[key] for key in args if key in kwargs} try: return await execute(handler(self, **handler_kwargs)) except Exception as exc: return exc for base in exception_class.__bases__: return await self._handle(base, **kwargs) return ErrorHandler.RAISE async def __call__(self, future=None, **kwargs): while True: try: if future is None: return await self.__request(**kwargs) else: return await self.__request(future=future, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: status = await self._handle(exc.__class__, exception=exc, **kwargs) if isinstance(status, Exception): exc = status status = ErrorHandler.RAISE if status is not ErrorHandler.RETRY: _logger.debug("raising exception") if future is not None and not future.done(): future.set_exception(exc) return raise exc
[docs]class DefaultErrorHandler(ErrorHandler): """ The default error_handler The decorated request will retry infinitely on any handled error The exceptions handled are :class:`TimeoutError`, :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError`, :class:`exceptions.RateLimitExceeded` and :class:`exceptions.ServiceUnavailable` """ def __init__(self, request, tries=3): super().__init__(request) self.tries = tries
[docs] @ErrorHandler.handle(exceptions.RateLimitExceeded) async def handle_rate_limits(self, exception, url): delay = int(exception.reset_in) + 1 fmt = "Sleeping for {}s (rate limit exceeded on endpoint {})" _logger.warning(fmt.format(delay, url)) await asyncio.sleep(delay) return ErrorHandler.RETRY
[docs] @ErrorHandler.handle(asyncio.TimeoutError, TimeoutError) def handle_timeout_error(self, url): fmt = "Request to {url} timed out, retrying" return ErrorHandler.RETRY
[docs] @ErrorHandler.handle(exceptions.HTTPServiceUnavailable) async def handle_service_unavailable(self): self.tries -= 1 if self.tries > 0: "Service temporarily unavailable, " "request will be made again very soon" ) await asyncio.sleep(0.5) return ErrorHandler.RETRY
[docs] @ErrorHandler.handle(aiohttp.ClientError) async def handle_client_error(self, exception=None): assert exception is not None self.tries -= 1 if self.tries > 0: return ErrorHandler.RETRY
[docs]def get_args(func, skip=0): """ Hackish way to get the arguments of a function Parameters ---------- func : callable Function to get the arguments from skip : int, optional Arguments to skip, defaults to 0 set it to 1 to skip the ``self`` argument of a method. Returns ------- tuple Function's arguments """ code = getattr(func, "__code__", None) if code is None: code = func.__call__.__code__ return code.co_varnames[skip : code.co_argcount]
[docs]def log_error(msg=None, exc_info=None, logger=None, **kwargs): """ log an exception and its traceback on the logger defined Parameters ---------- msg : str, optional A message to add to the error exc_info : tuple Information about the current exception logger : logging.Logger logger to use """ if logger is None: logger = _logger if not exc_info: exc_info = sys.exc_info() if msg is None: msg = "" exc_class, exc_msg, _ = exc_info if all(info is not None for info in exc_info): logger.error(msg, exc_info=exc_info)
[docs]async def get_media_metadata(data, path=None): """ Get all the file's metadata and read any kind of file object Parameters ---------- data : bytes first bytes of the file (the mimetype shoudl be guessed from the file headers path : str, optional path to the file Returns ------- str The mimetype of the media str The category of the media on Twitter """ if isinstance(data, bytes): media_type = await get_type(data, path) else: raise TypeError("get_metadata input must be a bytes") media_category = get_category(media_type)"media_type: %s, media_category: %s" % (media_type, media_category)) return media_type, media_category
[docs]async def get_size(media): """ Get the size of a file Parameters ---------- media : file object The file object of the media Returns ------- int The size of the file """ if hasattr(media, "seek"): await execute(, os.SEEK_END)) size = await execute(media.tell()) await execute( elif hasattr(media, "headers"): size = int(media.headers["Content-Length"]) elif isinstance(media, bytes): size = len(media) else: raise TypeError("Can't get size of media of type:", type(media).__name__)"media size: %dB" % size) return size
[docs]async def get_type(media, path=None): """ Parameters ---------- media : file object A file object of the image path : str, optional The path to the file Returns ------- str The mimetype of the media str The category of the media on Twitter """ if magic_module: if not media: raise TypeError("Media data is empty") _logger.debug("guessing mimetype using magic") media_type = magic_mime.from_buffer(media[:1024]) else: media_type = None if path: _logger.debug("guessing mimetype using built-in module") media_type = mime.guess_type(path)[0] if media_type is None: msg = ( "Could not guess the mimetype of the media.\n" "Please consider installing python-magic\n" "(pip3 install peony-twitter[magic])" ) raise RuntimeError(msg) return media_type
[docs]def get_category(media_type): if media_type.startswith("video"): return "tweet_video" elif media_type.endswith("gif"): return "tweet_gif" elif media_type.startswith("image"): return "tweet_image" else: raise RuntimeError( "The provided media cannot be handled.\nmimetype: %s" % media_type )
[docs]async def execute(coro): """ run a function or coroutine Parameters ---------- coro : asyncio.coroutine or function """ if asyncio.iscoroutine(coro): return await coro else: return coro
[docs]def set_debug(): """activates error messages, useful during development""" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) peony.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
[docs]class Entity: """Helper to use Twitter entities""" def __init__(self, original: str, entity_type: str, data: Mapping[str, Any]): = data self.entity_type = entity_type self.original = original[self.start : self.end] def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: return[key] @property def start(self) -> int: return["start"] @property def end(self) -> int: return["end"] @property def text(self) -> str: """returns text representing the entity""" ret = {"urls": lambda:["display_url"]} return ret.get(self.entity_type, lambda: self.original)() @property def url(self) -> str: """returns an url representing the entity""" ret = { "urls": lambda:["expanded_url"], "mentions": lambda: "{}".format(["username"] ), # noqa "hashtags": lambda: "{}".format(["tag"] ), # noqa } return ret.get(self.entity_type, lambda: "")()
[docs]def get_twitter_entities( text: str, entities: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]] ) -> Iterable[Entity]: """Returns twitter entities from an entities dictionnary Entities are returned in reversed order for ease of use (start and end indexes stay the same if the string is changed in place) """ return sorted( chain.from_iterable( map(partial(Entity, text, entity_type), entities) for entity_type, entities in entities.items() ), key=lambda e: e.start, reverse=True, )