The loads function used when decoding responses

The responses sent by the Twitter API are commonly JSON data. By default the data is loaded using the peony.utils.loads so that each JSON Object is converted to a dict object which allows to access its items as you would access its attribute.

Which means that:

returns the same as:


Also when a tweet has a text and a full_text items it will return the value of the full_text item when getting text.

response.text == response.full_text

and in case the text is in the extended_tweet item this should also work.

response.text == response.extended_tweet.full_text
tldr:You should not have to care about how to retrieve the full text of a tweet if you’re using peony out of the box. It should find it by itself.

I don’t like this, how can I change this

To change this behavior, PeonyClient has a loads argument which is the function used when loading the data. So if you don’t want to use the syntax above and want use the default Python’s dicts, you can pass json.loads as argument when you create the client.

from peony import PeonyClient
import json

client = PeonyClient(**creds, loads=json.loads)
client.twitter_configuration  # this is a dict object
client.twitter_configuration.photo_sizes  # raises AttributeError

You can also use it to change how JSON data is decoded.

import peony

def loads(*args, **kwargs):
    """ parse integers as strings """
    return peony.utils.loads(*args, parse_int=str, **kwargs)

client = peony.PeonyClient(**creds, loads=loads)