Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import asyncio
import logging
import sys

import aiohttp
import async_timeout

if sys.version_info < (3, 8):  # pragma: no cover
    from concurrent.futures import CancelledError
    from asyncio.exceptions import CancelledError

from . import data_processing, exceptions, utils
from .exceptions import StreamLimit
from .general import rate_limit_notices

ClientPayloadError = aiohttp.ClientPayloadError
ClientConnectionError = aiohttp.ClientConnectionError


EOF = 4

HandledErrors = asyncio.TimeoutError, ClientPayloadError, TimeoutError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class StreamResponse: """ Asynchronous iterator for streams Parameters ---------- *args : list, optional Positional arguments of the request client : .client.BasePeonyClient client used to make the request session : aiohttp.ClientSession, optional Session used by the request loads : function, optional function used to decode the JSON data received timeout : int, optional Timeout on connection kwargs : dict, optional Keyword parameters of the request """ def __init__( self, client, session=None, loads=data_processing.loads, timeout=10, **kwargs ): self.client = client self.session = session self.loads = loads self.timeout = timeout self.kwargs = kwargs self.response = None self._reconnecting = False self._state = NORMAL self._error_timeout = 0 async def _connect(self): """ Connect to the stream Returns ------- asyncio.coroutine The streaming response """ logger.debug("connecting to the stream") await self.client.setup if self.session is None: self.session = self.client._session kwargs = await self.client.headers.prepare_request(**self.kwargs) request = self.client.error_handler(self.session.request) return await request(timeout=0, **kwargs)
[docs] async def connect(self): """ Create the connection Returns ------- self Raises ------ exception.PeonyException On a response status in 4xx that are not status 420 or 429 Also on statuses in 1xx or 3xx since this should not be the status received here """ with async_timeout.timeout(self.timeout): self.response = await self._connect() if self.response.status in range(200, 300): self._error_timeout = 0 self.state = NORMAL elif self.response.status == 500: self.state = DISCONNECTION elif self.response.status in range(501, 600): self.state = RECONNECTION elif self.response.status in (420, 429): self.state = ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM else: logger.debug("raising error during stream connection") await exceptions.throw( self.response, loads=self.client._loads, url=self.kwargs["url"] ) logger.debug("stream state: %d" % self.state)
def __aiter__(self): return self if sys.version_info < (3, 5, 2): # pragma: no cover __aiter__ = asyncio.coroutine(__aiter__) async def __anext__(self): """ Decode each line using json Returns ------- dict Decoded JSON data """ if self.response is None:"first connection to the stream") await self.connect() return {"connected": True} line = b"" try: if self.state != NORMAL: if self._reconnecting: return await self.restart_stream() else: return await self.init_restart() while not line: if self.response.content.at_eof(): logger.debug("Received EOF") self.state = EOF return await self.init_restart() with async_timeout.timeout(90): line = await self.response.content.readline() line = line.strip(b"\r\n") logger.debug("received data: %s" % line) if line in rate_limit_notices: logger.debug("raising StreamLimit") raise StreamLimit(line) logger.debug("decoding data") return self.loads(line) except HandledErrors as e: logger.debug("handling error %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)) self.state = ERROR return await self.init_restart() except ClientConnectionError: logger.debug("Disconnected from stream") self.state = DISCONNECTION return await self.init_restart() except CancelledError: logger.debug("Stopping stream") raise except Exception as e: self.state = ERROR return await self.init_restart(error=e) @property def state(self): return self._state @state.setter def state(self, value): if value == NORMAL or self.state < value: self._state = value
[docs] async def init_restart(self, error=None): """ Restart the stream on error Parameters ---------- error : bool, optional Whether to print the error or not """ if error: utils.log_error(logger=logger) if self.state == DISCONNECTION: if self._error_timeout < MAX_DISCONNECTION_TIMEOUT: self._error_timeout += DISCONNECTION_TIMEOUT "The stream was disconnected, will reconnect in %ss" % self._error_timeout ) elif self.state == RECONNECTION: if self._error_timeout < RECONNECTION_TIMEOUT: self._error_timeout = RECONNECTION_TIMEOUT elif self._error_timeout < MAX_RECONNECTION_TIMEOUT: self._error_timeout *= 2 "Could not connect to the stream, reconnection in %ss" % self._error_timeout ) elif self.state == ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM: if self._error_timeout < ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM_TIMEOUT: self._error_timeout = ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM_TIMEOUT else: self._error_timeout *= 2 logger.warning( "Enhance Your Calm response received from Twitter. " "If you didn't restart your program frenetically " "then there is probably something wrong with it. " "Make sure you are not opening too many connections" " to the endpoint you are currently using by " "checking out Twitter's Streaming API " "documentation: " "\n" "The stream will restart in %ss." % self._error_timeout ) elif self.state == EOF: pass # no timeout else: raise RuntimeError("Incorrect state: %d" % self.state) self._reconnecting = True return {"reconnecting_in": self._error_timeout, "error": error}
[docs] async def restart_stream(self): """ Restart the stream on error """ assert self.response is not None await self.response.release() await asyncio.sleep(self._error_timeout) await self.connect()"Reconnected to the stream") self._reconnecting = False return {"stream_restart": True}
def __enter__(self): """ Prepare the stream Returns ------- StreamResponse The stream iterator """ return self async def __aenter__(self): """ Prepare the stream Returns ------- StreamResponse The stream iterator """ await self.client.setup return self def __exit__(self, *args): """Close the response on error""" if getattr(self, "response", None) is not None: assert self.response is not None if not self.response.closed: logger.debug("Closing the stream") self.response.close() async def __aexit__(self, *args): """Close the response on error""" self.__exit__(*args)