Source code for peony.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Peony Clients

:class:`BasePeonyClient` only handles requests while
:class:`PeonyClient` adds some methods that could help when using
the Twitter APIs, with a method to upload a media

import asyncio
import io
import logging
import sys
import warnings
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import Dict, Set
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import aiohttp

if sys.version_info < (3, 8):  # pragma: no cover
    from concurrent.futures import CancelledError
    from asyncio.exceptions import CancelledError

from . import data_processing, exceptions, general, oauth, utils
from .api import APIPath
from .commands import EventStreams, task
from .exceptions import PeonyUnavailableMethod
from .oauth import OAuth1Headers
from .stream import StreamResponse

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MetaPeonyClient(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **_): """put the :class:`~peony.commands.tasks.Task`s in the right place""" tasks = {"tasks": set()} for base in bases: if hasattr(base, "_tasks"): for key, value in base._tasks.items(): tasks[key] |= value for attr in attrs.values(): if isinstance(attr, task): tasks["tasks"].add(attr) attrs["_tasks"] = tasks attrs["_streams"] = EventStreams() return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
[docs]class BasePeonyClient(metaclass=MetaPeonyClient): """ Access the Twitter API easily You can create tasks by decorating a function from a child class with :class:`peony.task` You also attach a :class:`EventStream` to a subclass using the :func:`event_stream` of the subclass After creating an instance of the child class you will be able to run all the tasks easily by executing :func:`get_tasks` Parameters ---------- base_url : str, optional Format of the url for all the requests api_version : str, optional Default API version suffix : str, optional Default suffix of API endpoints loads : function, optional Function used to load JSON data error_handler : function, optional Requests decorator session : aiohttp.ClientSession, optional Session to use to make requests proxy : str Proxy used with every request compression : bool, optional Activate data compression on every requests, defaults to True user_agent : str, optional Set a custom user agent header encoding : str, optional text encoding of the response from the server loop : event loop, optional An event loop, if not specified :func:`asyncio.get_event_loop` is called """ _tasks: Dict[str, Set[task]] _streams: EventStreams def __init__( self, consumer_key=None, consumer_secret=None, access_token=None, access_token_secret=None, bearer_token=None, auth=None, headers=None, base_url=None, api_version=None, suffix=".json", loads=data_processing.loads, error_handler=utils.DefaultErrorHandler, session=None, proxy=None, compression=True, user_agent=None, encoding=None, loop=None, **kwargs ): if base_url is None: self.base_url = general.twitter_base_api_url else: self.base_url = base_url if api_version is None: self.api_version = general.twitter_api_version else: self.api_version = api_version if auth is None: auth = OAuth1Headers self.proxy = proxy self._suffix = suffix self.error_handler = error_handler self.encoding = encoding if encoding is not None: def _loads(*args, **kwargs): return loads(*args, encoding=encoding, **kwargs) self._loads = _loads else: self._loads = loads self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() if loop is None else loop self._session = session self._user_session = session is not None self._gathered_tasks = None if consumer_key is None or consumer_secret is None: raise TypeError( "missing 2 required arguments: 'consumer_key' and 'consumer_secret'" ) # all the possible args required by headers in :mod:`peony.oauth` kwargs = { "consumer_key": consumer_key, "consumer_secret": consumer_secret, "access_token": access_token, "access_token_secret": access_token_secret, "bearer_token": bearer_token, "compression": compression, "user_agent": user_agent, "headers": headers, "client": self, } # get the args needed by the auth parameter on initialization args = utils.get_args(auth.__init__, skip=1) # keep only the arguments required by auth on init kwargs = {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key in args} self.headers = auth(**kwargs) self.setup = self.loop.create_task(self._setup()) async def _setup(self): if self._session is None: logger.debug("Creating session") self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession() @staticmethod def _get_base_url(base_url, api, version): """ create the base url for the api Parameters ---------- base_url : str format of the base_url using {api} and {version} api : str name of the api to use version : str version of the api Returns ------- str the base url of the api you want to use """ format_args = {} if "{api}" in base_url: if api == "": base_url = base_url.replace("{api}.", "") else: format_args["api"] = api if "{version}" in base_url: if version == "": base_url = base_url.replace("/{version}", "") else: format_args["version"] = version return base_url.format(api=api, version=version) def __getitem__(self, values): """ Access the api you want This permits the use of any API you could know about For most api you only need to type >>> self[api] # api is the api you want to access You can specify a custom api version using the syntax >>> self[api, version] # version is the api version as a str For more complex requests >>> self[api, version, suffix, base_url] Returns ------- .api.BaseAPIPath To access an API endpoint """ defaults = None, self.api_version, self._suffix, self.base_url keys = ["api", "version", "suffix", "base_url"] if isinstance(values, dict): # set values in the right order values = [values.get(key, defaults[i]) for i, key in enumerate(keys)] elif isinstance(values, set): raise TypeError( "Cannot use a set to access an api, " "please use a dict, a tuple or a list instead" ) elif isinstance(values, str): values = [values, *defaults[1:]] elif isinstance(values, tuple): if len(values) < len(keys): padding = (None,) * (len(keys) - len(values)) values += padding values = [ default if value is None else value for value, default in zip(values, defaults) if (value, default) != (None, None) ] else: raise TypeError( "Could not create an endpoint from an object of " "type " + values.__class__.__name__ ) api, version, suffix, base_url = values base_url = self._get_base_url(base_url, api, version) return APIPath([base_url], suffix=suffix, client=self) __getattr__ = __getitem__ def __del__(self): if self.loop.is_closed(): # pragma: no cover pass elif self.loop.is_running(): self.loop.create_task(self.close()) else: self.loop.run_until_complete(self.close())
[docs] async def request( self, method, url, future, headers=None, session=None, encoding=None, **kwargs ): """ Make requests to the REST API Parameters ---------- future : asyncio.Future Future used to return the response method : str Method to be used by the request url : str URL of the resource headers : .oauth.PeonyHeaders Custom headers (doesn't overwrite `Authorization` headers) session : aiohttp.ClientSession, optional Client session used to make the request Returns ------- data.PeonyResponse Response to the request """ await self.setup # prepare request arguments, particularly the headers req_kwargs = await self.headers.prepare_request( method=method, url=url, headers=headers, proxy=self.proxy, **kwargs ) if encoding is None: encoding = self.encoding session = session if (session is not None) else self._session logger.debug("making request with parameters: %s" % req_kwargs) async with session.request(**req_kwargs) as response: if response.status < 400: data = await response, self._loads, encoding=encoding ) future.set_result( data_processing.PeonyResponse( data=data, headers=response.headers, url=response.url, request=req_kwargs, ) ) else: # throw exception if status is not 2xx await exceptions.throw( response, loads=self._loads, encoding=encoding, url=url )
[docs] def stream_request(self, method, url, headers=None, _session=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Make requests to the Streaming API Parameters ---------- method : str Method to be used by the request url : str URL of the resource headers : dict Custom headers (doesn't overwrite `Authorization` headers) _session : aiohttp.ClientSession, optional The session to use for this specific request, the session given as argument of :meth:`__init__` is used by default Returns ------- .stream.StreamResponse Stream context for the request """ return StreamResponse( method=method, url=url, client=self, headers=headers, session=_session, proxy=self.proxy, **kwargs )
[docs] @classmethod def event_stream(cls, event_stream): """Decorator to attach an event stream to the class""" cls._streams.append(event_stream) return event_stream
def _get_tasks(self): return [task(self) for task in self._tasks["tasks"]]
[docs] def get_tasks(self): """ Get the tasks attached to the instance Returns ------- list List of tasks (:class:`asyncio.Task`) """ tasks = self._get_tasks() tasks.extend(self._streams.get_tasks(self)) return tasks
[docs] async def run_tasks(self): """Run the tasks attached to the instance""" tasks = self.get_tasks() self._gathered_tasks = asyncio.gather(*tasks) try: await self._gathered_tasks except CancelledError: pass
[docs] async def arun(self): try: await self.run_tasks() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: await self.close()
[docs] def run(self): """Run the tasks attached to the instance""" self.loop.run_until_complete(self.arun())
def _get_close_tasks(self): tasks = [] # cancel setup if isinstance(self.setup, asyncio.Future): if not self.setup.done(): async def cancel_setup(): self.setup.cancel() try: await self.setup except CancelledError: # pragma: no cover pass tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(cancel_setup())) # close currently running tasks if self._gathered_tasks is not None: async def cancel_tasks(): self._gathered_tasks.cancel() try: await self._gathered_tasks except CancelledError: pass tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(cancel_tasks())) return tasks
[docs] async def close(self): """properly close the client""" tasks = self._get_close_tasks() if tasks: await asyncio.wait(tasks) # close the session only if it was created by peony if not self._user_session and self._session is not None: with suppress(TypeError, AttributeError): await self._session.close() self._session = None
async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.close()
[docs]class PeonyClient(BasePeonyClient): """ A client with some useful methods for most usages """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.user = self.loop.create_task(self._get_user()) async def _get_user(self, init=False): """ create a ``user`` attribute with the response of the endpoint """ api = self[ "api", general.twitter_api_version, ".json", general.twitter_base_api_url ] if isinstance(self.headers, oauth.OAuth1Headers): return await api.account.verify_credentials.get() raise PeonyUnavailableMethod( "user attribute is only available with OAuth 1 authentification." ) def _get_close_tasks(self): tasks = super()._get_close_tasks() if not self.user.done(): async def cancel_user(): self.user.cancel() try: await self.user except CancelledError: # pragma: no cover pass tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(cancel_user())) return tasks async def _chunked_upload( self, media, media_size, path=None, media_type=None, media_category=None, chunk_size=2**20, **params ): """ upload media in chunks Parameters ---------- media : file object a file object of the media media_size : int size of the media path : str, optional filename of the media media_type : str, optional mime type of the media media_category : str, optional twitter media category, must be used with ``media_type`` chunk_size : int, optional size of a chunk in bytes params : dict, optional additional parameters of the request Returns ------- .data_processing.PeonyResponse Response of the request """ if isinstance(media, bytes): media = io.BytesIO(media) chunk = is_coro = asyncio.iscoroutine(chunk) if is_coro: chunk = await chunk if media_type is None: media_metadata = await utils.get_media_metadata(chunk, path) media_type, media_category = media_metadata elif media_category is None: media_category = utils.get_category(media_type) response = await command="INIT", total_bytes=media_size, media_type=media_type, media_category=media_category, **params ) media_id = response["media_id"] i = 0 while chunk: req = command="APPEND", media_id=media_id, media=chunk, segment_index=i ) if is_coro: chunk, _ = await asyncio.gather(, req) else: await req chunk = i += 1 status = await command="FINALIZE", media_id=media_id ) if "processing_info" in status: while status["processing_info"].get("state") != "succeeded": processing_info = status["processing_info"] if processing_info.get("state") == "failed": error = processing_info.get("error", {}) message = error.get("message", str(status)) raise exceptions.MediaProcessingError( data=status, message=message, **params ) delay = processing_info["check_after_secs"] await asyncio.sleep(delay) status = await command="STATUS", media_id=media_id, **params ) return response
[docs] async def upload_media( self, file_, media_type=None, media_category=None, chunked=True, size_limit=None, **params ): """ upload a media file on twitter Parameters ---------- file_ : str or pathlib.Path or file Path to the file or file object media_type : str, optional mime type of the media media_category : str, optional Twitter's media category of the media, must be used with ``media_type`` chunked : bool, optional If True, force the use of the chunked upload for the media params : dict parameters used when making the request Returns ------- .data_processing.PeonyResponse Response of the request """ if isinstance(file_, str): url = urlparse(file_) if url.scheme.startswith("http"): media = await self._session.get(file_) else: path = urlparse(file_).path.strip(" \"'") media = await utils.execute(open(path, "rb")) elif hasattr(file_, "read") or isinstance(file_, bytes): media = file_ else: raise TypeError( "upload_media input must be a file object or a " "filename or binary data or an aiohttp request" ) media_size = await utils.get_size(media) if size_limit is not None: warnings.warn( "The size_limit parameter of upload_media is " "deprecated, chunked defaults to True and should be " "set explicitly to False if needed.", DeprecationWarning, ) if isinstance(media, aiohttp.ClientResponse): # send the content of the response media = media.content if chunked: args = media, media_size, file_, media_type, media_category response = await self._chunked_upload(*args, **params) else: response = await, **params) if not hasattr(file_, "read") and not getattr(media, "closed", True): media.close() return response